Resources old

The Affordable Care Act caused a dramatic shift in the health insurance landscape, particularly for small businesses. Underwriting a fully insured plan under 50 employees is no longer allowed. While this simplifies the process and offers many protections, the inflationary impact has been enormous, driving many employers to evaluate the feasibility of having no health plan at all, or to consider self-funding....

No one needs to study detailed tables to be aware of the rising costs of prescription drugs.  Daily headlines and your wallet tell the tale.  In 2004, 100ml of Lantus, a basic insulin, was priced at $52.  Today, 15 years later, it is $300. Take control of the prescription benefit your company offers and buck the trend by decreasing your costs while still offering a robust benefit that rewards you with healthy employees, less presenteeism and absenteeism, and a more appealing bottom line!...