About Us


Kiser Benefits Advantage utilizes a unique blend of experience, innovative ideas, and commitment to personal service in assisting employers with the design and implementation of group benefits and individual insurance needs. Understanding the challenges, but also the opportunities, resulting from the Affordable Care Act, KBA works with each employer to determine cost-effective strategies to combat rising health plan costs. With self-funding now applicable for groups as small as 26 employees, KBA’s experience and its commitment to new ideas position it to help any employer carve its strategic path.

A Plan For Your Small Business

Account Executive


Paula Bragg has over 30 years of experience working in the healthcare sector. Managing medical practices for a large tertiary care center and later working in network development for an HMO laid the foundation for her latest position of 15+ years working with self-funded employers. Calling on her prior years’ experience in the healthcare field, Paula takes pride in her ability to efficiently identify solutions to benefit problems faced by employer groups and in her ability to help craft employer-specific benefit designs, particularly with regard to pharmaceutical benefit options. Paula is a mother of two, a grandmother of one, and in her spare time is an avid aquarist, enjoys outdoors pursuits, and traveling.

Account Executive


After 13 years as a teacher and school administrator in North Carolina and South Carolina, Bill began his career in the insurance business in 1985 working primarily with self-funded health plans. His focus on education has driven a philosophy that the insurance business is primarily an educational process. This background serves his clients well as they navigate the issues surrounding the cost and complexity of today’s health insurance market. Bill graduated from Wofford College in 1972 and from the University of South Carolina with a Masters Degree in 1975. Married to Margaret Dickson Kiser in 1975, they have two children and four grandchildren.

Service Coordinator


After graduating from UNC-Wilmington in 2005, Sallie went to work in real estate and community management, where she worked for several years. After having her second child, she made the decision to be a “Stay at Home Mom” for the preschool years. She then returned to community management for five more years until Covid and virtual school made working outside the home difficult. Sallie made a career decision in 2021 to get her life and health insurance license and join her Dad at Kiser Benefits Advantage. Her customer service and management experience provided the perfect training for entry into the business of employee benefits.

Sallie is married to Will Hunt and has two daughters, Finley and Emma, and Tyde the one-year-old family puppy. She has always loved the outdoors, being an avid lifelong tennis player and all-around sports fan. Go Heels and Canes!


Tel:(919) 524-7654